Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It was great to be able to stay up late Wednesday night as I didn't plan to head down to Chelsea Piers so early in the morning for once. Since the workout was a long run, I decided to do that in nearby Central Park. This meant no 4:45 a.m. alarm, no lugging three changes of clothes on the subway with me, and best of all: I could check up on my old morning crew pals on the bridle path.

I left my apartment around 6:20 and jogged the two blocks to Central Park. I'd had trouble with my left Achilles starting last summer, and I was feeling it a bit thanks to Wednesday's track workout. But by the time I got to the park, it felt okay. I still decided not to push it. So I ran two laps of what my Central Park Track Club friends calls the bpn--for "bridle path north" at a little slower than 9:00 pace. This is a 2.5-mile dirt lap that goes around the southern part of the reservoir and then through the 102nd Street Transverse. That, the run to the park, and my bagel run on the way home got me 7.15 miles--not at all long by my standards, but I'll get a true long run in this weekend. It was nice to have an easy day, both with regard to waking up and with regard to effort.

I loved seeing my old gang. In the mornings, people tend to run like clockwork, probably because everyone needs to get to work. So I often see the same people in exactly the same spot day after day--or I used to! I wonder if they wonder where I've been. And of course I wound up wondering what the Full Throttle Nation was up to just then.

I happened to squander my late Wednesday night on work. I was going back and forth with a writer until 1:00 a.m. regarding revisions to a certain chapter of his book. That book is called LATE, LATE AT NIGHT and I've decided that if I got to name this blog, I'd want to call it EARLY, EARLY IN THE MORNING.

BTW, if you're interested in keeping track of your mileage online, I can recommend a terrific website that a friend of mine designed. It's free, and it's very easy to register. The site is:

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