Monday, February 1, 2010

Booty Points

As every New Yorker (especially) experiences at one point or another during the winter, I have a head cold. Despite my Purell hand sanitizer obsession (or perhaps as a result of it), my nose is stuffed like the Lincoln Tunnel on a Friday night with one lane open, which doesn't bode well for swimming--nor do I want to get my teammates sick. While the Full Throttle peeps splashed away, I grabbed a poolside chair, sipped hot tea and watched them swim. There is something to be said about how watching talented swimmers in action brings you such tranquility. I make a point every season to sit out of a practice at least twice and analyze the different strokes from lane to lane. It helps me visualize ways to correct my form, be it something I'm consciously eager to correct or surprised to see that I was doing wrong by comparison.

The treadmill and I are friends again! On Saturday, I made up the "long run" I skipped on Thursday, which consisted of FIVE MILES! Yup, you saw it first, FIVE (**5**)MILES. I was a tad skeptical of doing 4 more miles (today) a mere two days afterwards and the week following my tre(wo)mendous speed I did FOUR AND A HALF MILES instead. It felt fantastic. I wasn't fast; I wasn't on an incline. I was just going and it was beyond refreshing. After a 1/2 mile cool down walk, I sprung for some booty points (resistance work for the tush that I coined "booty points" because it makes me feel like I've got a nice rear view)...or on my way towards one. Stretching is NOT just for the bendy or for the birds, so I gave my legs 15 extensive minutes of love before calling it a (work)day.


  1. Oh, are so entertaining! I love your posts. If you are still stuffy on Wednesday, maybe we can sit on the sidelines together. I'll bring a picnic!

  2. It's all about the booty points!
