Sunday, October 24, 2010

Part 1 of 3

It has been a while since we posted a blog, but I blame training and racing ... we were too busy SHOWING you that we know what we're talking about that we didn't have time to blah blah blah about it (plz see the whole "actions-speak-louder" debate). In light of the spirit of triathlon, I thought I'd get this party started with 3 separate blogs. Yup. Get ready to read, kids. First up? The Offseason...

The Offseason is much like a first date: you look forward to it, but once you're there you're a lil' uncomfortable and not exactly sure what to do with yourself. Some people have a great experience, but most triathletes argue that it takes a few to really get to know what The Offseason is all about...right now? I'm definitely right smack in the middle of my first date with The Offseason and things aren't going very smoothly. I'm nervous, awkward (some would argue that's a constant), inconsistent and desperately trying to find a way to get out of no avail.

Reluctantly, I admit that my body is flashing major WARNING signs stating very clearly, "REST OR I'LL MAKE YOU." I should've gotten the hint last Tuesday when I was in transit to the spin room at Chelsea Piers to get my workout joke, all I did was walk out of the locker room, up a flight of stairs and there on the Suunto board next to my name in BIG GLOWING numbers for all of my teammates to see was my heart rate: 124. Riiiiight. Based on that, here's the transcribed conversation that occurred btw me and my body:

Neurotic triathlete: "124? You're telling me it took 62% of our maximum heart rate to walk up 15 stairs?"
Body: "I'm telling you it'll take 62% to get up and pee in the middle of the night if you don't stop training this way. Don't make me go to 65%."

That didn't stop me from completing the spin class nor did it sway me away from running 7 miles in Central Park yesterday. You know what? Now my ITB flared up and I'm literally not able to workout. It's a love/hate relationship that, like a woman, my body knows best and always wins. Complain fest? Not at all. It's just proof that the body needs downtime to heal. Even if the only thing that creeps up faster on you than your resting heart rate is the scale increase of 5-10lbs, you have to get to know The have to get through that first date.

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