Monday, January 17, 2011

a princess with TWO crowns?

5 years. What comes to mind when asked about your 5-year plan? It's as emptily/commonly asked as it is mindlessly answered, which makes me question who's worse in that scenario: the ringleader or the entertainer?

I bring this up because I'm approaching my 5th season as a triathlete on FTE and with that said, a NON-smoker for my 5th year in-a-row, (Brice!). Most triathletes at the FTE level won't comprehend the pride I take in cutting that addiction out of my life, but what do they know about addictive behavior? (COUGH! - A-types.)

Had someone asked me 5 years ago to define my 5-year plan, quitting cigarettes was a laughable nomination, if I ever even considered it. But how could I (as a smoker at the time) comprehend the "big picture" if I was able to legitimize compromising my health on a daily, HOURLY basis? I smoked over a pack a day for 7 years (maybe 9 if you're reading this as faculty member at Blair Academy). What else was I compromising as a residual? If I wasn't convinced of my own worth on a physiological basis, what other areas of my life was I disputing and selling short?

I welcome this 5th year outside of nicotine and tar. In light of how insignificant I considered my health to be 5 years ago, how important it is to me now and the potential I have in blogging to a few folks about starting over....I say, make twentyeleven about fearlessness. Just make like Nike and DO IT. Just Do It. (just try.)

You really never know what you're capable of doing and 5 years into being a non-smoker, I feel like I JUST learned what it's like to take a chance. On me. Rather, I recently realized I'm worth doing so. What does that mean for me? I applied to Journalism school. And you know what? One school. The best flipping one in the country and I'm nervous. I'm jittery. I'm excited. I'm alive. But I have a 5-year plan and graduating from Columbia J-School falls into the series of events I have planned therein.
For twentyeleven and in honor (if anything else) of my FIFTH-year victory, I challenge you triathletes (overachievers) to take a chance on yourself(ves) in a way that only you would grasp. For me? I didn't apply to Columbia for years post-undergrad bc I was afraid of rejection. But as a non-smoker and a triathlete on this amazing team, I have a different mentality. In my old way of thinking, I wouldn't race out of fear of not coming in first place. Now? As much as I loathe the idea of coming in 2nd place in a race, I take pride in knowing that I take a chance everytime we rally at the start and cross that finish line. In part thanks to all of you, I applied myself to pursuing a higher education regardless of the outcome.

In conclusion.

In 5 years, I hope to find you smiling. In 5 years, I hope to hear you're healthy. In 5 years, I hope you win the lottery (and share). In 5 years, I hope you're in love. In 5 years, I hope you quit smoking cigs (Brice!). In 5 years, I hope you've inspired someone. In 5 years, I hope you surprise yourself like I did. Because in all fairness? You never know....unless you


ps: which crown should I wear in twenty eleven? Athena or Columbia?? Both? Yes. Both.